Ellendale United Methodist Church
Thursday, February 06, 2025
Building on our Faith

Via de Cristo


Via de Cristo is a Spanish phrase meaning “Way of Christ.” Via de Cristo is a highly structured three-day weekend designed to strengthen and renew the faith of Christian people and bring them to a new awareness of living in God's grace. It is a combined effort of lay people and clergy toward renewal of the church.

 For more information about MN Via de Cristo please visit their website at  www.mnviadecristo.org  


Unidos en Cristo
A Unidos en Cristo (say "oo-knee-dose en creestow") is a 3-day learning, sharing inspirational experience of living in a Christian community. Formerly named Cursillo (say "ker-see-o"), an abbreviation of the full title: Cursillo De Christiandad, it is a "Short course in Christian living."

  For more information on Unidos en Cristo please visit their website at www.unidosencristo.com 


To create the desire to make Jesus Christ Lord of our lives, through preaching, teaching, praying and obeying the Word of God.

Welcome to the Ellendale UMC.  We hope you join us for worship.  If you have any questions about our church, please contact the church office at 684-2731. 

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